Is spending time with God essential to your day? Do you yearn for the time each day you can get alone with Him, read His word, talk to Him, and sit quietly in His presence?

Today we hear words like purpose and calling thrown around everywhere. When you get down to it, they sound similar and it can be confusing. What is the difference between your purpose and your calling?
Before I start my explanation, if you have followed me for any time, you will see a shift in my definition of purpose.
The statement, progress over perfection, is exactly what it sounds like. Perfection is a state that we will never meet, no matter how hard we try, and yet we keep chasing it! Why do you think that is?
Have you ever gotten to a place in your life where you needed to stop, turn around and start over? Or maybe it’s not a complete turnaround but a slowdown, a speed bump.
This has happened to me more than a few times. I can remember being a little dismayed, and very frustrated when discovering the direction I thought was the right one, is actually a dead-end road.
We hear everyone these days using the word pivot. I understand why, it’s an easy word to describe the ever-turning of our lives, the detours, and missteps.
But I want us to consider a few different words for these events. Looking into a Thesaurus, I found words that sounded truer to what I feel is happening. Words that also were to me delightful, even beautiful.
How about we change the word pivot to...