Yesterday Michael stopped by my office and asked if I was hurt because he didn’t share how he feels about me and our marriage in flowery words on social media. I smiled and said...

A while back, I started praying for God to pour into me, so I could pour out on others. I went so far as to ask that when He pours into me, He fills me so full that when I pour back out, I don’t run dry…I stay full.

When I was a child, we lived in central Louisiana. I have such good memories of growing up in the sixties in that area. One of them has to do with a home I visited often and was fascinated with. This home belonged to the Albright family, and I was good friends with their daughter Charlotte.
The backyard rolled down to a little creek...

Have you ever been told you can’t? How did that make you feel? Less than, unworthy, incapable? While working in the HR Training and Development Department for a major telecom, I was told that very thing. As I sat in on and helped the department facilitators with training, a fire started within me, and I knew with my God-given gifts that was what I wanted to do. The problem was the big “you can’t” I was presented with.