What are your defining moments in life? How have they shaped you and who you are today? I want to explore that with you.
A couple of years ago, I read “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp. This book was what we were reading for our women’s Bible study at church. Such a gut wrenching book, that at times threw me violently into my emotions. And yet I kept reading. The reason? It was what I needed at the time. And I am a firm believer God places in our lives what we need at the very moment we need it. No matter how difficult it may be.
I want to share 2 thoughts that struck me as so poignant for where I was and still am in my life and are foundational to how I serve…
1. “Will I have lived fully—or just empty?”
2. “How do we live fully so we are fully ready to die?”
Let these thoughts take up residence in your mind for a bit, don’t simply dismiss them. As you think about these questions, don’t let them depress you if you feel you have led an empty life. Use these questions as a catalyst to push you forward to a point where you are fully ready to die when the time comes.
During our kickoff to our Bible study, the leader of our women’s ministry asked us, if we felt led, to talk a little about a defining time in our lives. I spoke about losing my job in 2019 and what had happened since.
As we journey through life, we all face many defining moments. Many of them. Some are heart wrenching; some are joyous, and some are both. And I believe some are nothing more than a pivotal time in our lives, that may be difficult but not tragic. Why did losing my job come to mind first? Why not when I lost my mom suddenly while pregnant with my child? Why not when I was a caretaker for my dad and watched him die slowly…daily? Why not so many of the other moments in my life that shaped me into who I am right now…in this moment?
The only answer I have is, someone there needed to hear of God’s provision for us as I launched a business. They needed to hear of God’s provision as my income greatly decreased. Coming out of 2020 and going into a year that still looked foggy, someone needed to hear God is with them and will take care of their every need.
In the comments I would love to hear of a defining moment in your life. And I challenge you to go with the first thing that comes to mind.
Don’t be deterred by what anyone else posts. My defining moment hung out with the moments of others that were much more dramatic, much more awe inspiring, even with a moment that could only be described as a miracle. I had much more dramatic, tragic, joyous, awe-inspiring moments. But…it was my moment I felt led to share. That is all that mattered. Share what is on your heart. I promise, someone needs to hear it.
With Purpose,
Although this journey has not been what I expected and I have had many doubts along the way, when I am honest with myself, I know this is where I am supposed to be. I am learning to rest in Him and be ok with that, and follow His lead. I know I need to improve in the action piece but as often as I've been tempted to throw in the towel, it was clear to me I needed to keep going. I pray one day all that I have learned and how I have grown, will have a positive impact on others.