How do we know when it is the right time to let go of our fur babies? My thought is your heart will know, but you need to listen. We had to take our sweet pooch Dino to the vet and let him go two weeks ago. Though my heart wasn’t ready, I knew that it was time and the right thing to do.
I have had so many people tell me they are not creative. And you may think that about yourself. Let me ask you a question. How can you, who are created in the image of God, not be creative? The very One whose image we bear is creative. Don’t you think He passed that part of Himself on to us? I believe so.
Do our routine choices really matter for the long term? Is the compound effect working with your daily choices? What about the routine choices you make, the ones you don’t even think about, you just do them. They are every bit as important as the choices you make that require thought.
Do you suffer from clutteritis? Clutteritis is when you have so much it blocks the good things in life. Like walking in your purpose, losing weight, relaxing in your home… You get the idea. Clutter doesn’t mean dirty, it means stuff everywhere. And usually this stuff serves little to no purpose.
In 2016 I realized I really liked upcycling furniture. So, I set about finding, repairing, refinishing, and selling furniture. I also set about cluttering the house and porch with “someday” pieces. In 2021 “someday” happened, but not the way I thought it would…
What are your defining moments in life? How have they shaped you and who you are today? I want to explore that with you today.