My main focus is helping women going through different seasons of life and feeling they have lost their purpose. When the truth is, it's not lost, it's buried...sometimes deeply buried.
As women going through changes in our lives we find, that we have done so many things and worn so many hats, we are not sure anymore which one fits us now, if any.
For the ever-present mom, the kids are leaving the nest.
For the career woman, that time is approaching its end.
For the wife, the marriage has suffered due to other obligations.
For the friend, we find ourselves alone as so many changes take place.
Knowing where to turn, and how to find that passion again is where I come in.
I will give you the tools to dig, excavate if you will, the truths hidden deep in your heart. Your purpose has never left or changed.
Your calling and mission may have shifted, but your purpose is still waiting for you.
Let's find it together!